Impact Mentoring Logo_Black Transparent (1)
10KC X RBC FutureLaunch@2x 1

What is Impact Mentoring?

Impact Mentoring is a 6-month mentorship program sponsored by RBC Future Launch, powered by Ten Thousand Coffees (10KC), to support the career development of BIPOC-identifying youth from across Canada.

How does it work? 

  • 1:1 Mentorship
    • Mentees will be matched with a professional Mentor for a one-on-one mentorship experience
    • Matches are expected to meet monthly for 30-45 minutes over the course of 6 months
    • The program is guided by a structured curriculum, including resources and discussion questions and automated reminders

  • Group Mentorship
    • In addition, participants will have access to interactive, roundtable sessions called Office Hours led by subject matter experts, senior leaders or recruiters

  • Networking
    • Following the mentorship program, participants will graduate into the Impact Mentoring Alumni Community and have access to ongoing networking opportunities

Please note: the Impact Mentoring program and Participant Information Session are available in English only

When does the program run? 

The next program cycle will launch in Fall 2024; each program cycle will run for 6 months.

Who can participate?


  • Youth, aged 18-30
  • BIPOC-identifying
  • Early in career
  • Excited to broaden network and foster new relationships

To learn more about participating as a Mentee, click here


  • 5+ years work experience
  • Currently employed
  • BIPOC-identifying and allies welcome to participate
  • Passionate about advancing BIPOC youth career development

To learn more about participating as a Mentor, click here


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